Project ‘Reconstruction of Concrete works on “Purva” fascility’ in Purmerend
Contractor: K. Dekker BV
08/1995 – 03/1996
Value: €700.000,-
A fierce autumn storm in 1994 destroyed the roof of this composting facility and drastic reconstruction works became necessary.
As foreman/superintendent I worked on this project and gained a lot of hands-on experience in construction with traditional timber formwork.
Fresh out of university I was responsible for managing this project on site, which became more-and-more complicated as more-and-more (sub)contractors appeared on site for the facility's steel structure, electrical and mechanical installations etc. It was one of my main tasks to coordinate al these (sub)contractors, which at times was very challenging when several parties involved needed the same or overlapping 'real estate' to perform their tasks. |
The main construction work in this project was to modify the composting facilities’ concrete structure and to build two new air filter tanks. These large concrete pits are used to filter the smelly, damp air from the big hall by leading the air through filtering layers of woodchips.
Purva is a recycling company for organic waste and is a daughter company of "HVC Alkmaar". Purva composts a yearly amount of 65.000 ton VGF-waste into high quality compost. The modern, fully enclosed composting facility of Purva fulfils an important regional function within the waste policy of the "Noord-Holland" region . In this policy the composting of VGF has a high priority.